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Mercy High School ~ Farmington Hills, Michigan


Mercy High School ~ Farmington Hills, Michigan


Mercy High School ~ Farmington Hills, Michigan


Punxsutawney Phil, an allegedly 131-year-old groundhog, makes his
yearly appearance each February to predict either upcoming snow or an
early spring. (Graphic Credit: Megan Hutter)

February’s overshadowed holiday

Megan Hutter, Staff Reporter
January 25, 2017
By eating a balanced diet including all food groups, you can make sure you are getting all the recommended vitamins and minerals and lose weight at the same time. (Photo Illustration: Isha Ganguli)

Not all dieting is healthy

Isha Ganguli, Staff Reporter
January 17, 2017
Fourth step: Place your phone horizontally in the phone stand and watch Newsprint’s Christmas King Video! (Photo Credit: Karina Lloyd)

DIY Stocking Stuffer: iPhone Stand

Karina Lloyd, Associate Editor-in-Chief
December 19, 2016
Hands unite as one family member passes off flowers to another. Gift-giving brings along emotions of joy, love, and unity — regardless of whether one is on the giving or receiving end. (Photo Credit: Brooklyn Rue)

Giving and receiving

Brooklyn Rue, Editor-in-Chief
December 19, 2016
The Mercy cafeteria offers a selection of breakfast items every day, including donuts, bagels, scones, and muffins, as well as
fresh fruit, yogurt, and cereals. (Photo Credit: Anastasia Warner)

A kick-start to every day

Anastasia Warner, Staff Reporter
December 15, 2016
Juniors Sarah Kullen and Sydney Price sell these bracelets at various prices to raise money to help communities in Sierra Leone. The bracelets, as shown above, come in a variety of colors and patterns. (Photo Credit: Libby Miodonski)

Bracelets for a cause

Libby Miodonski, Staff Reporter
December 7, 2016

DIY holiday pretzel treats

Karina Lloyd, Associate Editor-in-Chief
November 28, 2016
Ideal Bite Community Kitchen offers its customers a wide variety of healthy food options that also taste delicious. (Photo Credit: Jasmine Williams)

Review: Ideal Bite Community Kitchen lives up to its name

Jasmine Williams, New Media and Promotions Editor
November 23, 2016
Pumpkin spice inspired latte cupcakes

Pumpkin spice inspired latte cupcakes

Karina Lloyd, Associate Editor-in-Cheif
October 31, 2016
Freshman Lydia Giroux checks her Snapchat after school. Checking her social media feed has become for her, like many students, a part of her daily routine. (Photo Credit: Megan Hutter)

Beyond your self(ie)

Megan Hutter, Staff Reporter
October 21, 2016
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