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Mercy High School ~ Farmington Hills, Michigan


Mercy High School ~ Farmington Hills, Michigan


Mercy High School ~ Farmington Hills, Michigan


Both teams smile and pose with their trophies for family members and fans to snap pictures. (Photo credit: Molly Lyons)

A Night of Champions

Molly Lyons, Staff Reporter
January 11, 2016
The Latin students who put on this year’s Salmagundi sale sold items ranging from candy to bracelets, drawing students and staff into purchasing the unique items for a holiday treat. (Photo credit: Molly Lyons)

A Mercy Medley

Molly Lyons, Staff Reporter
December 3, 2015
The Mercy Varsity Field Hockey team members smile at their banquet on Nov. 1, where they remembered and celebrated their successful season and friendship. (Photo credit: Erin Lyons)

Seniors bid farewell to field hockey

Molly Lyons, Staff Reporter
November 2, 2015
Sports-related injuries can result in tears, sprains, and months of recovery. Unfortunately, these injuries have the potential to harm athletes' motility and may affect their future in sports. (Photo illustration: Molly Lyons)

Taking the risk

Molly Lyons, Staff Reporter
October 19, 2015
Juniors Gianna Parlove and Addie Powell take time out of their busy day to online shop for homecoming dresses.

Homecoming: stressing the night away

Molly Lyons, Staff Reporter
September 9, 2015
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