Walking through Mercy’s hallways, you see many different many colors of hair: brown, blonde, black, and… blue? Don’t worry, you’re probably just seeing Becca Kmiecik rushing to her next class. The Mercy junior has dyed her hair more than 25 different colors since June 2012. Though initially scared to dye her hair, she doesn’t regret it now.
“I feel better about myself when I dye my hair,” said Kmiecik. Of the 25 plus colors she has tried, blue is her favorite.
Though having colored hair guarantees that Kmiecik stands out, it does not guarantee a positive reaction.
“Usually it’s derogatory,” said Kmiecik. “Though one time, I was in a restaurant, and a guy came up to me and said, ‘Your hair reminds me of when I was in the navy.’”
When not picking her next hair color or on Facebook, the junior often can be found sketching or designing on her computer in the Media Center. She has taken three art classes at Mercy and is currently in Painting.
“It’s a break in your schedule,” said Kmiecik. “You learn a lot, but it’s fun.”
She is also involved in Mercy’s fall stage crew, which will require a reappearance of brown hair. Don’t worry. According to her, it will not stay inconspicuous for too long. Shei s a great believer in standing out.
“If you be yourself and do what you want, you’ll make more friendships. Because I’ve dyed my hair, I’ve made so many friends,” she said.