Cross Country ends season
The 2019 cross country season has ended and leaves Mercy junior Katie Kim with fond memories.
“This season of cross country to me was a huge deal,” said Kim. “We gained a new coach and a new training style, I became a captain, and also, I am losing a teammate that I think of as a sister.”
Besides running, Kim says she also learned more about herself.
“From my third season of cross country, I learned perseverance,” she said. “Whenever someone runs a race, it is just them and the clock. There is not a clear definite win besides beating your previous time. This season, I struggled with breaking my previous times and even though I was trying hard, I was still not getting the results I wanted. Instead of letting that hinder me, I would just try and hit faster times at practice and would look for it to reflect in my race times.”
This season also meant a lot to junior Paige Wiaduck because it was her first season on Mercy’s cross country team.
“I [learned] a new form of exercise and stress relief,” Wiaduck said. “I also gained lots of information about injuries, proper running techniques, and the importance of taking care of your body. When running cross country, you run so much consistently, so it’s important to hydrate and fuel your body properly. My first season of cross country meant taking care of my health better and performing my best. Being my first season, I had lots to learn and had to adjust to the rigorous schedule.”