Marlins of Mercy: Selina George


(Photo Credit: Zina George)

“My dad played hockey his whole life, so my parents signed my brothers up for hockey and then signed me up for figure skating. I used to hate it when I was little and I would cry all the time about it. However, my parents pushed me to keep skating. Eventually, as I kept doing it, I started to like figure skating more. I skate individually and for the team here at Mercy. We have four competitions throughout the season, three where we compete with the team and then one state competition for individual skating. We wear matching dresses and skates when we compete. The last competition was individual, so we each got our own awards. Most of the girls placed very high in our individual competition.

I think I am going to coach figure skating in college, and I might skate then too. Skating is something I am very passionate about, and my whole family is involved in skating, whether it be figure skating or hockey. My favorite part about skating is being a part of a team and creating lasting friendships with the girls; we all have so much fun skating together and bonding at competitions.”