Gals for pals: embracing Galentine’s Day

Junior Gabi Michallef poses with a candy gram she made to give away to a friend on Galentine’s Day. Photo by Clare Jones

Every February 12th Junior Gabi Micallef stays up late baking her famous snickerdoodle cookies and wrapping them in heart-decorated festive bags. She also writes personal letters to each and every one of her friends with the intention of  making their Galentine’s Day special. 

As Valentine’s Day approaches, many women who are in valued relationships with female friends are promoting Galentine’s Day on February 13th, an informal celebration of female friendship.

Made popular by the NBC show Parks and Recreation, starring Amy Poelher, Galentine’s day is an opportunity to appreciate the strength and importance of female friendships. Here at Mercy, many girls are embracing this new idea and starting to promote happiness rather than sadness on a holiday that affects people’s emotions.

Micallef is continuing to embrace the Galentine’s holiday by going to dinner with her best friend, junior Oliva Palm.

“Valentine’s Day is also my birthday so this year I am doing a Galentine’s day-themed birthday celebration with Olivia,” said Micallef.

Although Micallef is celebrating more than just Galentine’s Day, she does think it is important that all feel welcome and loved on Valentine’s Day.

“I think it is a sweet and fun holiday where you can spread love to anyone. I think [Galentine’s] is important so it can give people the opportunity to say ‘I love you’ if they feel they do not always have that moment,” said Michaellf. “I love to bake cookies for people, it gives me so much joy to know that once I give the cookie away I am making a person feel happier than before.”

Michaellf has always loved Valentine’s since she can remember. In middle school she bought candy grams for every student in her class wishing and intending to make them feel appreciated. In addition to baking cookies, she likes to  watch romantic movies like Breakfast at Tiffany’s (1961), starring Audrey Hepburn, and 10 Things I Hate About You (1999), with Julia Stiles.

So as the holiday of love approaches, remember to embrace your loved ones, and most importantly your close female friends who have positively impacted your life for the better.