Pro-Life in the new year

The Mercy Pro-Life Club went a different route for this year’s Pro-Life Week, a visual representation that struck many as students walked into school. One thousand crosses were placed in middle of the flagpole entrance during the Sunday before the beginning of Pro-Life Week. Behind the scenes, junior Lourdes Haddad played her role in the club. Although she was not a leader, she still held an integral role in the club. Now, she is poised as a senior leader of the club, ready to implement new ideas and activities. Along with the leadership of junior Mary Powers and sophomores Grace Fadool, Chloe Kilano and Lauren Krill, new ideas have been set into motion.
Haddad reflects upon last year while preparing for the 2018-2019 school year.
“Some of the biggest successes of last year were definitely the Pro-Life Week bake sale and cross display,” she said. “Mercy’s Pro-Life club was able to raise a lot of money through the bake sale and these funds were efficiently utilized in furthering the pro-life movement throughout our community. It was really awesome that we were able to reach our goal. I was also able to help set up the cross display, which I really enjoyed doing and was glad that it was something that the whole school was able to witness. I feel that it helped many students and teachers to think more about how detrimental abortion is to women, babies, and society as a whole.”