Math teacher adds tech to his new teaching equation

Mr. Janusch, a mathematics teacher and IT worker, helps a student work through glitches on her iPad. (Photo Credit: Brooklyn Rue)

Until this year, math teacher Mr. Christopher Janusch could usually be found during an unscheduled period sitting behind his desk grading tests or sprawling an equation across the whiteboard with a student at his side. Now Mr. Janusch alternates between teaching math classes and helping students and staff with any complications that might arise regarding their iPads and computers in the tech office.

Despite a busy schedule — he teaches 2nd and 3rd hour, has adviser group, and spends the rest of his time in the tech office — Mr. Janusch does not find this new aspect of his job to be too much of an adjustment. Instead, this is an opportunity for him to do something he loves — help students inside and outside of his classroom.

Q: What first made you interested in math and science?

When I started college, I was an English major. My adviser forced me to take Calculus 1 and I loved the teacher and that moved me into the math track freshman year. She just explained everything really well, and she was really passionate. She explained these complex concepts [in a way that] made it easy for me to understand.

Q: Is this your first technological job?

Job, yes. It is something that I have had as a hobby for a while. I also have my teaching minor in computer science. This is my first actual job with IT, though.

Q: What has been your favorite part of working in tech so far?

I just like being able to help [students and teachers] solve their tech problems. I know [technology] isn’t easy for everyone, and I just like being able to help them out and make things easier.

Q: What is the most bizarre thing you have seen gone wrong with an iPad or computer?

It wasn’t an iPad or a computer, but one of the projector carts was plugged into itself and it wouldn’t turn on. Someone had taken the surge protector that goes into the wall and put it back into itself. That took a long time to figure out because it wasn’t something I was looking for.

Q: What’s your favorite app?

I am a big fan of Notability as far as teaching apps go. On a more personal side, I like Netflix and Hulu. They are what I use at home. Also, because I am a nerd, I like this comics app, Comixology. You can buy and read comics using it. It’s kind of like an app store or an eBooks for comics.