Surviving an AP exam

One of the best ways to study is to buy an AP practice exam book. These are filled with useful information, such as the format and major topics, as well as multiple practice exams. (Photo used with permission from Sarika Shah)
If you’re taking an AP class, or are thinking about taking an AP class in the future, you might be wondering: what are the best ways to study for the dreaded exam? With the quickly approaching exams, it can be overwhelming trying to find the best way to study, so here are some tips to help make the process a little simpler.
1. Relax. Most of the time, it’s easier to study without feeling overly pressured and nervous.
2. Study in short, frequent sessions. Instead of trying to cram all your studying in a 5 hour session the night before, break up your topics and review them in short sessions throughout the day or week.
3. Review the difficult material. Make sure to take extra time going over tests and quizzes from chapters that you had trouble with.
4. Take practice exams. There are many resources available to help you prepare for the exam but the best way to invest your time is to take practice versions of it. You can purchase exam books at your local bookstore.
5. Get to know the exam. Familiarizing yourself with the exam format is the key to scoring high. Prepare yourself going into the exam so you know exactly how many multiple choice questions there are, how many essays you may have to write, and the amount of time given for each section.
6. Attend group study sessions. Studying with a friend can sound distracting but it’s actually a great way to brush up on things you may not know that she does, and vice-versa. Just be sure to stay focused.
7. Use online resources. Remember that there are hundreds of websites with practice exams and quizzes as well as topics that are covered in the exam. It’s possible to even take an online course.
8. Get a good night’s sleep. It’s absolutely crucial to be well rested when you wake up the morning of the exam. It’s unlikely you’ll be getting a 5 with only four hours of sleep. Put the study material aside and call it a night.
The night before the exam, be sure to pack all the required materials such as pencils, pens, a calculator if needed, and your photo ID. Eating a healthy breakfast will help you stay alert and power through the exam because they can take between two and three hours to complete.
It’s important to note that AP exams are given scores from 1 to 5:
5: Extremely Well Qualified
4: Well Qualified
3: Qualified
2: Possibly Qualified
1: No recommendation
Any score of 3 or higher is considered passing, though some colleges will only accept a 4 or 5 for credit. Make sure to check with your top colleges so you know what scores they accept. Some won’t accept credit unless you score a 5. There are no deductions for incorrect answers, so it’s best to try and answer every question possible. After your exam is over and you take a breath of relief, make sure to make an account on the College Board website so you can check the exact day scores will be available online and send them to the colleges you want to.
You can expect to receive the exam results online in July.