Silence speaks louder than words

Mercy students (from left) freshman Kaylie Scott, junior Megan McCarren, and senior Natalie Cieslak stand out from the crowd with a black X for silence. (Photo illustration: Caitlin Somerville)

Mercy students participated in the 11th annual pro-life day of silent solidarity this week. Participants put a black X over their mouths and remained silent throughout the day to effectively “speak out” against abortion and represent those unborn children who don’t have a voice in their fate.

Because the participants couldn’t speak, I had to type the questions out and hand them over to the interviewee, who would then type their answers out. Here’s what they wrote:

“I participated in the day of silence because it is important to bring awareness to the fact that we are standing for babies who have no say,” typed senior Pro-life club leader Hannah Cohen. “You see pictures showing a baby saying ‘But where’s my choice?’, which is what we are representing by refraining from speaking all day.”

First-timer freshman Kylie Scott agreed.

“I feel that abortion is unacceptable,” she typed. “This day is such great way to express how terrible abortion is and [provides] a peaceful way to stand up against it. She advised potential mothers to “try to find the help and support of family and friends to get through it. Remember the life that you are bringing into this world.”

Pro-life advocates march in Washington D.C. every year to protest the Roe vs. Wade decision that legalized abortion, hoping that new laws abolishing abortion may be put into action. Mercy’s Pro-life club arranges a trip for students who would like to participate in the March for Life.

“I go on the March for Life because I like what it stands for,” typed junior Megan McCarren. “I feel like [the day of silence] is another way to share my opinion.”

Senior Pro-life club leader Natalie Cieslak shared a personal story about her cousin, who was put up for adoption instead of aborted.

“His birth mother had too many children and knew she wouldn’t be able to support him, but she still had him and put him up for adoption,” wrote Cieslak. “Now he lives with my aunt and uncle and they love him so much and provide everything he could possibly need.”