Order in the court: Mercy Mock Trial prepares for new season

Senior co-captains of Mercy’s Mock Trial team Kathryn Dunleavy and Nadia Hakim are excited to begin tryouts for the team and get started working on this year’s case. (Photo credit: Alana Sullivan)

Are you hardworking, interested in law, or looking to improve your public speaking skills? Perhaps you watch crime shows on television and and imagine yourself in the defense attorney or prosecutor’s place. If any of these situations apply to you, you may be interested in Mercy’s Mock Trial team.

Mock Trial tryouts will be held Oct. 17 from 3-6:30 p.m. in the drama studio. Tryouts will consist of students preparing and delivering a 3-minute speech describing why they should be accepted onto the team, which will be comprised of 10 students.

In Mock Trial, students are given a case in the beginning of the season and are assigned roles (aligned with either the defendant or the prosecution) for the mock trial of the case. The team prepares all year for their competition in March.

Senior co-captains Kathryn Dunleavy and Nadia Hakim are excited for the upcoming season and the changes that will be instituted this year. These include the recent designation of Mock Trial as an academic team, which now gives members the opportunity to earn a varsity letter, as well as the type of case the team will be working on.

“This is our fourth year of mock trial so we’re more prepared than before,” said Hakim. “It’s going to be a criminal trial, so we’re really excited for that.”

Dunleavy, who founded the team her freshman year, has high expectations for the season.

“This coming year is huge for Mercy Mock Trial,” said Dunleavy. “We are so excited to start. Last year we went to states and we are anticipating that accomplishment again. I can’t wait to see how awesome [this year’s team is] and to form a new sisterhood.”