MUN prepares for last local simulation of the season


Mercy’s MUN club has been preparing all week for UDMUN, U of D’s simulation, which is the last local sim of the year (Photo Credit: Zaynah Siddique).

Mercy’s exciting season of MUN is coming to an end as they prepare for their last local simulation– University of Detroit Model United Nations (UDMUN) — hosted by Univ. of Detroit Jesuit (U of D). The previous two simulations of the year– MERMUN and BROMUN– were held at Mercy and Brother Rice.

UDMUN will host three committees: World Health Organization (WHO), Disarmament and Security (DESEC), and Historical Security, all of which will be chaired by the U of D officers. WHO’s topic deals with organ trafficking; DESEC deals with the Ukrainian issue; and Security’s topic is the Cuban Missile Crisis.

Although past simulations were successful, this is the last chance for Mercy to win awards in order to qualify and practice for the North American Invitational Model United Nations (NAIMUN) which is a national sim in February. But as the season closes, it is evident that many advancements were made this year.

“I think we have improved a lot throughout the year,” said officer and junior Carmela Sleva. “Especially in our confidence levels and committee skills, such as diplomacy and public speaking.”

Although it is Mercy’s last local sim, there is still much to look forward to and much to practice for with NAIMUN in the near future.