Mimes “give back” at Thanksgiving assembly

After a week of collecting food and money for Mercy’s annual Focus Hope Food Drive, the Mercy Mimes portrayed the true meaning of giving back at the annual Thanksgiving Prayer Service Hope on Nov. 24.

The Mimes performed a skit based on the beloved children’s picture book The Giving Tree, by Shel Silverstein. Three mimes acted as the little boy, while nine others played the role of the tree. Ms. Kathy Sill, the mime troupe leader, narrated the piece.

“I thought it was a great experience,” said junior Maureen McGough, who has been a mime for a year and a half. “I have always loved The Giving Tree because I grew up with the story, so it was really fun to act out a story from my childhood.”

Freshman Benicia Brooker really enjoyed the performance put on by the mimes.

“They all had amazing facial expressions, great movements, and exquisite performance skills,” said Brooker. “Together as a group it was… performed well and executed nicely.”