Check out the Dead Poets Society (DPS)

Although the first half of the semester is almost over, many still don’t know much about one of the clubs that meets almost monthly, Dead Poets Society (DPS).

Below is some basic Q&A concerning DPS.

Who can join?
Anyone! Don’t be fooled; the name may be ‘Dead Poets Society’, but members are anything but dead.

If I missed the first meeting can I still join?

Absolutely, new members are welcome at any time.

I’m not the next William Shakespeare, can I still join?
Yes, all you need is an open mind and an interest in poetry.

Is there food at the meetings?
Yes, there are snacks for members to munch on during discussions.

Do you have to have a favorite poet to join?
No, during the first meeting members were asked to share a favorite poet, poem, or something interesting about themselves. Favorite authors ranged from Edgar Allan Poet to Dr. Seuss to Shel Silverstein. However, some members didn’t have a favorite poet at all. All levels of interest are welcome.

When are meetings?
The president of the Dead Poets Society Carmela Sleva, said that there is usually one meeting per month, so don’t miss your chance to participate.

Are there dues?
Yes, but they are only $7 for the whole year (most of this money goes to the snack fund).
“We don’t read and write poetry because it’s cute. We read and write poetry because we are members of the human race. And the human race is filled with passion.”
Dead Poets Society film