It’s been quite the year for Mercy Works, an “additional club” that has been serving the Sisters of Mercy next door for years. This year, the club switched things up and tried something totally new, as it began focusing on establishing relationships with the sisters in a different way.
The club originally used to meet once a month for a few rounds of bingo with the sisters, but this year the visits became more frequent and involved. Each pair of students was assigned a sister to get to know more personally. Through a small questionnaire, the students were able to get matched up with a sister that they shared common interests with.
This specific attention on forming friendships was further strengthened during special activities throughout the year. For Halloween, Mercy girls came dressed in full attire for a fun cider and donut meal. Christmas was just as enjoyable, as the club brought over lyric sheets for Christmas caroling with the sisters.
Club moderator Mrs. Judy Dennis has even higher hopes for next year.
“I’m looking forward to doing more things with the students and getting to know the sisters a little bit better,” said Mrs. Dennis.
Mrs. Dennis found that having a consistent group of girls attending each visit is a must for the coming year.
“We are going to try and get a continuous system going and go to the center every two weeks,” said Mrs. Dennis.
Mercy Works is a club that is always accepting girls to join. Mrs. Dennis hopes that incoming freshwomen and current students alike will consider the club and stop by for a visit with the sisters sometime during the year. Not only is it a good source for service hours, but it also provides students a unique friendship with a Mercy sister.
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Mercy Works is involved in a variety of activities with the sisters, from hosting special events like Halloween and Christmas parties, to stopping by for casual conversation and crafts. Photo Credit: Kate Soave and Nicole Skandalaris