Why I became Pescatarian…and why you should too

Not only does eating a Pescatarian diet provide cardiovascular health benefits and positive environmental effects, but it is also a rich source of vitamins, helps eyesight, and strengthens lungs. Fair use: Pinterest

With the start of the New Year, many people are trying all kinds of diets. Some want to lose weight, some want to just eat healthier, and some just do it to join the trend of New Year’s resolutions. All over the internet, different websites will say that the Whole 30 diet or the Paleo Diet or the Keto Diet are the best ways to improve overall health. While I agree they can be beneficial, the Pescatarian diet has positive environmental effects, will lead to lower body mass index (BMI), and follows all the health guidelines of a vegetarian diet while still being able to enjoy some protein from fish and other seafood. 

I decided to become pescatarian about 4 months ago, mainly because of environmental benefits. After much research on the topic, I found that eating less meat is an important way to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. According to greenpeace.org, “the livestock sector — raising cows, pigs and chickens— generates as much greenhouse gas emissions as all cars, trucks and automobiles combined.” This was shocking to me, especially with all the recent events in the news about the negative effects of climate change and how even the little things we do every day can have a major impact on the health of our planet. 

While some might say that a vegetarian diet is the best way to stop eating so much meat, there is a risk of low protein levels. The Pescatarian diet, on the other hand, gives you many more protein choices, can be a good source of omega-3 fatty acids (an unsaturated fat that is actually beneficial), and forces you to eat a more plant-based diet on a regular basis. Medical News Today has also reported that people who eat fish have “lower blood pressure, a lower risk of abnormal heart rhythms, and fewer fatal heart attacks that those who do not include fish in their diet”. 

Combining all the health and environmental benefits, the Pescatarian diet is a tried and true way to eat a mostly plant-based diet and still receive the necessary nutrients and proteins from heart-healthy fish.