The bright side of daylight savings time


Street lights are immediately turned on as soon as dawn comes. According to senior analyst Jeff Dowd and his colleagues at the U.S. Department of Energy, daylight saving time has saved 0.5% of the nations electricity per day. Fair use: photo from Pixabay

Daylight saving time began March 10, prompting the need for clocks to spring one hour forward.

This change is necessary since it brings more safety. Statistics showing fewer car accidents in the daylight in addition to less crime support this idea. Daylight savings time also gives more safety to children who often wait outside for the bus or even walk to school.

Bob Eubanks lost his son due to a car accident when he was waiting outside in the dark for the school bus.

“The early morning is so dangerous,” Eubanks told Susan Jacobson of the Orlando Sentinel. “I think they ought to have a light at every bus stop where you have to wait at that time of the morning.”

Not only does it simply make going to school for kids safer, but multiple other events as well. Think about it; concerts, baseball games, barbecues, swimming and gardening. All of these activities take place more often in the summer. That extra hour of light saves time to enjoy all these events. The parent running late from work can still have a barbecue with their family. The sun is still welcoming the person running errands all afternoon to take a swim at the pool. People can attend events like concerts and baseball games because it is still light out for curfew.

Daylight savings time has become controversial since many people complain that is an unnecessary inconvenience.  However, just like anything else, people can adapt to this one hour time change, and instead of it hurting them, it benefits them. I, myself, am benefited by learning how to manage time better during daylight savings time. The extra hour of light during my day persuades me to go outside or forces me to get my errands done so I still have time for events that require the sun.

One thing I always ask myself is why my mood changes in the summer. Well, studies have shown that there is less emotional stress during time spent in the sun. Daylight savings time also saves energy. This hour forward may disrupt our schedules at first, but the extra hour benefits us more than we realize.