Continue legacy of women making difference

Another last. As we come to a close on this school year, I approach more and more of these moments: my final Newsprint editorial, my final day in uniform, my 24th and final youth orchestra concert, my final AP Gov chapter, my final off hour…the list goes on and on. Yet, through these lasts, I take comfort knowing I do not have to face leaving Mercy for the last time; there is more in store.

I recently sat with my mom– who serves as the president of the Alumnae Association– and her colleagues as they prepared for Tea for Tuition, an annual event held by the association to raise money for tuition assistance. I could sense a tone of disheartenment in the air as the women discussed trends in donations.

“Male schools get more back,” they said. I was puzzled. When they explained, it became clear. Men typically give back more to their all-male high schools than their female counterparts. When a woman marries, yearly donations often go to her husband’s high school over her own all-female school. It is not nearly as prevalent for a husband and wife to donate money to the wife’s high school. Male sports, football in particular, tend to create greater school spirit which lends to larger donor pools. Why do you think University of Michigan is bringing in Jim Harbaugh to turn around their football team? Admittedly, this isn’t the only reason, but it certainly is a contributing factor.

After graduation, I want women to remain as energetic and loyal to their high schools as men. I am asking you, current students, to take action. Whether you are a member of the class of 2015 or the class of 2018, this issue affects you. Do not forget Mercy when you graduate. Read The Mosaic. Attend the alumni mass each year, if you remain local. Sponsor a table at Tea for Tuition. Most importantly, help the Mercy legacy to continue on in the generations after us by giving back.

We all grudgingly complain about the lack of air conditioning, but this is not an easy fix. What about the new sport fields and new student entrance? In order to see improvements, we need help from generous supporters who are likely to be Mercy graduates.

Next year marks the 70th anniversary of our high school. If every alum would give $70, think of the impact that would have; with 175 people alone (smaller than a typical graduating class) giving $70 each towards scholarships, one more girl can be afforded the opportunity to receive a Mercy education.

Will the young girls you see on the playground be able to have the Mercy experience? Will your own daughters? Many Catholic schools are struggling to keep their doors open. Without continuous and adequate financial help, Mercy may find itself in a similar situation.

While some alumnae are more able to give than others, every cent does genuinely make a difference. Whether you are a poor college student or a successful business woman, you can spare at least $10 a year. Think of it as one lunch at Panera or a couple of Starbucks drinks. When I graduate this June, this is the commitment I will make. I hope you will consider this same pledge so that when you exit the auditorium for the last time at Moving Up you will not leave Mercy behind, but instead continue on as a woman who makes a difference.