Mercy’s French Honor Society

The Société Honoraire de Français (FHS in French) is part of a national organization that honors French students who have had excellent grades in their high school French classes. Fair Use: Photo from Creative Commons

Mercy’s French Honor Society (FHS) is working to make this year their best yet. From out of school activities to fundraisers to celebrating their most important week of the year, National French Week, FHS is planning it all.

This year, there are 23 members (juniors and seniors) and 18 candidates (sophomores) in FHS. To become a full member of FHS, candidates must complete a French Cooking project and give a presentation to Madame Campbell and a panel of FHS members.

Junior FHS officer Charlotte Bridges helps organize the busy schedule of FHS throughout the year, alongside her three other FHS officers. As an officer, Bridges collects dues, plans for events, and maintains a point system, which tracks how involved each member or candidate isAt the end of the year, FHS holds an induction ceremony where candidates become members and current members who have had outstanding participation in the program receive awards.

To the members of FHS though, this extracurricular activity is more than just another check mark on a college resume.

“Its a really fun way to learn about French and it definitely helps with the cultural aspect more than a classroom setting because you get to actually experience it,” Bridges said. “It helps out with French class a lot and all of the activities are fun ways to spend times with friends.”

Some of the events that FHS puts on during the year include French restaurant trips, bake sales, and new this year, a French dinner cruise to raise money for program. The major event of the year through, French Immersion Day, is a full day of activities for 7th and 8th-graders looking at Mercy and prospects of the French program. The day is filled with learning about French culture, art, food, and language and is a main fundraiser for the year.