Media Center gets new carpet


Ms. Koskela, Ms. Corte, and Dr. Kreger chose the new carpet (Photo Credit: Peyton Pawlusiak).

The Media Center got a facelift this past weekend. New carpet was installed but students had to pay a price when they returned as the Media Center was closed first through fourth hour. Librarians Ms. Katy Koskela and Ms. Cheryl Corte restocked the shelves of the Media Center.

The new carpet was a necessity. After a major storm in mid-August, water damage ruined the carpeting, which forced several events — including Link Leader training — to move to a different location.

The carpet, which has a greenish base and a swirled gray-purple pattern, is drawing mixed reviews.  Some students enjoy the new carpet, who say that the lighter color brightens the dull room.  Others say that the swirl pattern creates an illusion and causes dizziness.

“I’m not a fan of the new carpet,” said senior Julia Petroff.  “It’s gray and it hurts my eyes.  It’s swirly and it makes me a little dizzy.”

Although the carpet was a definite need for the Media Center, the downside was that the room was closed for four hours, which left some students disgruntled.

“I had to sit in the hallway because I had homework to do,” said sophomore Grace Rogers. “The cafeteria was too noisy.”