Marlins of Mercy: Katie Kim

Junior Katie Kim and her younger sister Grace Kim at the Turkey Trot in 2018. The Turkey Trot is a 10K that runs on Thanksgiving morning and has been a family tradition for the past 35 years. Photo used with permission from Katie Kim

“I started running in fifth grade because I wanted to do a fall sport. It keeps me busy during the school year [and] it has allowed me to meet many of my closest friends. Also, I eat unhealthy so it keeps me in shape.

Every summer for the past two years, me and my sister run the park run, which is a 5K. I think that even though we don’t talk to each other while we run, it has made us closer. I’m more aware of her accomplishments now, like she is much better at running than I am. She started running younger than me, so she’s a natural runner. She’s in sixth grade at St. Fabian [and] it’s exciting to watch her improve because she’s very good at her sport and that I know that she will succeed later in life.

Other than running, we do a lot of things together. [We] binge Netflix shows, play video games, walk our dog, [and she] keeps me company whenever I do not want to go somewhere alone, so we go out to eat and get ice cream together often.”