Marlins of Mercy: Grace Fadool

Fadool (right) stands with a pro-life poster in front of the Supreme Court Building, the final destination of the March for Life. Photo used with permission from Grace Fadool

“This was my third year going on the March for Life. We had about 41 students who went on the march. On top of that, Mrs. Smith and Mrs. Marquard chaperoned the group with a couple moms.

I chose to take part in the march again this year because every year I have left the March for Life with great peace of mind about my values. Traveling over 10 hours to march for something that you believe in is special in itself. On top of that, you get to see and meet kids, teenagers, and adults from all over the U.S. It’s really amazing to see how everyone can stop what they are doing to come together in D.C. to express their beliefs.

I believe that events like the March for Life is important because of the reason why we march. Although the march is used to display our beliefs on the overturning of the 1973 Supreme Court decision of Roe v. Wade, we also march for human dignity. Personally, I also march to end euthanasia, the death penalty, and assisted suicide. The march is important to me because I feel beyond lucky to be able to express myself while being surrounded by love.

Being pro-life, my goal is to never force my beliefs on anyone else. Regardless of what someone else believes, I think everyone should voice their own opinions. Whether someone is pro-life, pro-choice, or neither, I always want to treat them with respect. If they happen to not be pro-life, I like to see it as a learning opportunity to understand the other side of the argument. It allows me to step back, look at my beliefs, and reaffirm what I believe. I never want to make anyone uncomfortable with my beliefs.

With such sensitive topics like abortion, euthanasia, assisted suicide, or the death penalty, you have to be careful not to offend anyone on either side. I want people who are not pro-life to know that we are not only anti-abortion. I personally am anti-death penalty, and against euthanasia and assisted suicide. I would just want anyone to listen to what we have to say within an open mind and I hope I can do the same for them.”