Martin Luther King Day is one of the only civil service holidays in the United States. A civil service holiday is one where the U.S. Government encourages people to go out and help their communities — certainly a different sort of holiday, to say the least.
While most people disregard this fact and merely focus on having the day off, it brings to mind how important service is.
“Most people don’t really do anything,” says sophomore Jacqueline Welday. “But I think that’s because a lot of people don’t know that MLK Day is actually a day for helping out.”
“I think it’s wonderful that we have an entire holiday set aside for service,” says Junior Julia Rettig. “It really reaffirms the message of being good to your neighbors that Martin Luther King always preached.”
Dr. King always taught about the importance of freedom and justice for all, and encouraged all citizens to live up to the purpose of America by helping those less fortunate and by serving their communities.
“He was a great man,” said senior Abrial Neely. “And it’s awesome that we remember his memory as a year try every year.”
If you are wondering how you can serve your community on Martin Luther King Day, you can go on the official MLK Day website and enter your zip code to find opportunities to help. Service can be as simple as donating a used coat or as involved as helping pack up an old warehouse, but either way, serving the community is the reason for the holiday.
Visit http://mlkday.gov/serve/find.php to find out how you can serve.