Mercy girls save for a magical trip

“I had to go months without spending a lot of my money, which was hard, but every time I wanted to buy something I just reminded myself Disney World was more important,” said senior Kendall Reid.

Seniors Sarah Posa and Kendall Reid have been saving their money so they could experience a long Martin Luther King Jr. weekend together at Walt Disney World in Orlando, FL.

Reid saved a total of $800 for the trip and Posa saved around $700. The girls decided to go in the middle of January because it isn’t a common vacation time.

“Because we went MLK weekend, prices weren’t that expensive so it was easier to afford,” said Reid. “We considered going over Christmas vacation but it was just way too expensive for two teenage girls to afford.”

Due to the start of the new semester and the Monday off of school for MLK Day, they did not miss much school work and only missed two days of school total.

“It was easy to make up the work because it was the start of the semester,” said Posa. “We weren’t too far into any of the lessons.”

The girls decided that their monetary and educational sacrifices were worth the magical experience.

“In addition to low prices, the parks weren’t that busy either,” said Posa. “We never had to wait in line for too long; it was a great vacation.”

Both Reid and Posa are huge Disney fans and, in fact, think of themselves as Disney princesses. Reid acts as Cinderella and Posa acts as Belle.

“The trip was indescribable,” said Reid. “Being with Sarah at the most magical place on earth made the many months of not spending any money very worthwhile.”