The girls take their first GS run down the course. Here, Jenny O’Brien, freshwoman, rounds a mid-course GS gate.
While most Mercy girls were in school last Friday, the Junior Varsity ski team (and a few of their Varsity supporters) were at Mt. Brighton for the JV Championship Race. The all-day meet, which lasted from around 7:30 a.m. until, marked the beginning of the post-season for the ski team. The meet consisted of two Slalom and two Giant Slalom races between all of the JV skiers from all of the schools (in attendance) in the league. Of the seven teams, Mercy came in first in both disciplines, as well as overall. The entire race, was documented by Newsprint, and represents a typical post-season race day for a JV skier.
The coaches set the course for the first Giant Slalom race. Here, CC-Mercy coach Tom Gable sets a GS gate.CC Varsity skier Joe Talbot, junior, leads Mercy's team in inspection, pointing out offset gates and giving suggestions on tactics.The first skiers await the start of the race at the top of the hill.The girls take their first GS run down the course. Here, Jenny O'Brien, freshwoman, rounds a mid-course GS gate.The boys also run the course; Derek Shira, CC junior, skies the course, as a gate judge watches to see that he did in fact turn around the gate.After the racers complete their runs, they often stop at the team tent at the bottom of the hill for snacks.The racers head back up to the top for their second runs. Anne Conely, junior, and Rachel Wagner, freshwoman, ride up the chair together.After a brief lunch break, the Slalom race begins. Isabelle Stoick, freshwoman, cross-blocks a slalom gate on her first run down the new course.The boys also run the slalom course. Derek Shira, CC junior, rounds a flush gate, one of the more difficult combinations in the course.The team heads in for the award ceremony. The girls who placed in the top ten in either GS or Slalom (or both!) are shown above. Pictured from left to right: Isabelle Stoick, Anne Conely, Amelia Fanelli, Kari Cieslak, Jenny O'Brien, and Rachel Wagner. Congratulations, girls!Isabelle Stoick, the individual 1st place winner in both GS and Slalom, poses with her medals.