Dressed in their classic costumes, the Mercy Mimes took the stage and prepared for a night full of Christmas joy and silence. The mimes took turns acting out different scenes using only their bodies and facial expressions. Some of the skits included a snowball fight, ice skating attempt, decorating a christmas tree ending with a full performance of “How the Grinch Stole Christmas” by Dr. Seuss. Each performance captivated the audience through their ability to express themselves without words.
“It’s so much fun to see their creativity and they always make me laugh,” senior Jess Koehler said.
Despite people cheering for their friends during the performance, none of the mimes cracked and remained non-vocal throughout the performance. Their acting and performing skills allowed them to still portray what they thought and felt. There was never a dull moment where the audience was unaware of what was occuring.
“This was my first time coming to a mime performance and I absolutely loved it!” senior Gracie Haley said. “It was so much fun and I would highly recommend.”
Overall, the performance was spectacular and truly helped everyone watching get into the holiday spirit. The mimes next performance is set to take place in the spring and will be an April Fools show.