JCL modernizes its classic roots

JCL members create their own horoscope tweets and Instagram pictures based off of their zodiac symbol (Photo Credit: Ihechi Ezuruonye).
The Junior Classical League (JCL) began its most recent meeting by announcing the new members of the quinaria. The quinaria is a system based on the Roman government, where all five members have equal authority and shared power. The new members are seniors Jensen Pecora, Molly Murphy, and Alexis Verderbar, as well as junior Phil Engel and sophomore Katherine Colleran.
At the meeting, the members used Instagram and Twitter as a way to send messages and post pictures incorporating Greek and Roman culture. On Instagram and Twitter the students drew pictures depicting their birthstone and zodiac symbol, while also writing horoscopes on Twitter pertaining to their zodiac symbol. One tweet read:
“Today you will be in the mood to do something nice for yourself, and you might just discover you have some extra money in your pocket to do so. #LeoHoroscope”