Although she may seem shy at first, international student Hye Jeong Cha, a freshman, has plenty to tell about her home in Korea, and her new home in America.
NP: Where are you from in South Korea?
B: I am from Seoul, South Korea.
NP: Do you miss your family?
B: In Korea I live with my Aunt and Uncle, not my parents. But both of my sisters live with me here so I don’t really miss them that much.
NP: What is the biggest difference between Mercy and your school back home?
B: Well, at Mercy the school is only one story. My school in Korea is four stories. Also in Korea we only have two big tests and do smaller projects. We rarely get homework. At Mercy we have homework every day and lots of quizzes and tests.
NP: Did you play any sports at your old school?
B: I played soccer.
NP: Do you think that you’ll try out for the soccer team in the spring?
B: I really want to try out, I hope I can make it!
NP: How did you like your first Halloween?
B: I like it a lot. I came here and was surprised; there were lots of cool costumes. I wasn’t really sure how to dress up but my sisters helped me to find a costume.
NP: Are you going to go trick-or-treating?
B: Yes! I’m excited. My sisters said that even if it’s cold we are still going because we get lots of candy.
NP: Are you excited for other American holidays, like Thanksgiving?
B: Yeah I’m excited. I was invited to the Thanksgiving Parade with some church friends. I’ve never been to a parade or seen a float.
NP: Do you think that after finishing school at Mercy you’ll stay in the United States for college?
B: I want to stay here, but I don’t know what I want to be yet. I still have some time.