FOF: Faith on Fridays. Wake up just a few minutes earlier and go!
FOF is held at 7:30 AM on Fridays and it is a perfect way to start off your day. It’s super casual and is open to amazing discussion and interesting questions. FOF is something new and encouraging every week.
“We have started using a new program called YES (Youth Engaging Scripture), and we focus on the gospel reading for the proceeding Sunday. We study the meaning and it allows us to better engage in Mass,” said senior Bridget Johnson.
No matter where you are in your walk with God, FOF is a good time; don’t be intimidated.
“It is so easy to just drop in and listen. Though we talk about religious things, we also just talk. We are very welcoming; there is no “membership” requirements. You can drop in once in a while or every week. We laugh and have snacks and it is just an overall good time,” said Johnson.
It’s a new year. It’s time to be spontaneous and discover a new passion or fuel an existing one. Go to FOF this Friday to do just that!