MVE Makes History

The C Division team is advancing. Carly Camp (from left to right), competed in speed, Mira Mansuetti competed in all showmanships, saddleseat, huntseat, and jumping, Peyton Pawlusiak competed in showmanship, huntseat, jumping, western, and trail, and Maria Pizzo competed in showmanship, saddleseat, and huntseat.
The Mercy Varsity Equestrian team has had their best season to date and have made history. The team was founded seven years ago by Mercy graduate Rachel Kurcz and is currently coached by Karin Stayton (Mercy alumna), and Assistant Coach Marcie Kurcz. Each year, the team has grown and improved. This season, however, the C team is District 1 Reserve Champions, which means they will advance to regionals. This is the first time in Mercy history that the Equestrian team has advanced.
“A huge congratulations to the C team, District 1 Reserve Champions is something to be proud of,” said Head Coach Karin Stayton. “Hard work does pay off.”
The team approached this season with a new strategy. Fourteen girls made the team and those numbers allowed Stayton and Kurcz to create two teams. The division A team consisted of ten members, and these girls were the beginners who gained valuable experience to prepare themselves for next season. The Division C team was comprised of two veterans: Captain, Peyton Pawlusiak, Co-Captain Mira Mansuetti, sophomore Maria Pizzo, and newcomer Carly Camp.
These four girls were divided into 24 slots to compete in. Each girl brought in a hefty amount of points to help the team advance. For the first two weeks, Mercy C team was in first place. They were in first for the majority of the third meet. However, Holly, District 1 Champions, overcame the point difference in speed.
“I’m so proud of each and every one of the girls. They stepped up to the plate and came out of their comfort zones, all being such good girls with great smiles,” said Stayton. “I have truly enjoyed working will all of them.”
The regular season consisted of all-day events for the first three Saturdays in September. Regionals are this upcoming weekend, Sept. 26-28, in Corunna, Michigan.