A group of well-known women have teamed up to ban something that they imagine can change the world. Something that they think will make girls feel more confident about themselves. Sheryl Sandberg, Beyoncé Knowles, Jane Lynch, and Condoleezza Rice are just a few of the many who are part of the “Let’s Ban ‘Bossy’” campaign.
The inspiration for this ban on the word “bossy” in schools comes from the belief that young girls are reluctant to speak up in their classrooms or in projects because they’re afraid of being called bossy and therefore disliked by others.
“I don’t think that calling females ‘bossy’ makes them feel unconfident about themselves,” says junior Lindsay Webster. “I’m sure some people are offended by that comment, but I believe that there are much worse things to be called. There are so many degrading things women (are called) in our society that I don’t think the word ‘bossy’ makes much of a difference.”
Supporters of this campaign hope that it will lead to the elimination of terms and messages that they believe hold females back.
“It’s a start at least,” said junior Jacqueline Welday. “If this actually is an issue that is serious enough to have to be addressed, then we have to start somewhere, although I don’t think this may be the right place to start.”
Many believe that banning the word “bossy” is ineffective, and that there are more effective ways to handle the situation.
“Instead of trying to ban such a silly little word, how about we ban Photoshop?” asked Webster. “How can we be expected to look like the girls that the media puts on pedestals when they aren’t even real? Instead of trying to ban something so trivial, let’s work toward gender equality so girls can feel confident in their abilities instead of being undermined by men.”