Pope Francis has restored Catholic pride and his time has even been referred to by some as the “Francis Revolution.” It is evident that Francis is doing all he can to draw many to the faith.
“I’ve done things well. I’ve done things wrong,” Francis said in a recent interview regarding his first year as Pope.
He must being doing something right since he was declared “Time’s Person of the Year” for 2013. Here’s a look at some of the things Pope Francis has done during his first months as Pope. A main issue Francis has addressed is the judgement of homosexuals. Francis has spoke out and said that Christians do not have the right to judge them.
“If someone is gay and searches for The Lord and has good will, who am I to judge?” Pope Francis said.
This public statement by the Pope led to him being named the ‘single most influential person of 2013 on the lives of LGBT people’ by The Advocate, a magazine that supports gay rights.
Pope Francis has also taken part in random acts of kindness. He often dresses as a normal priest and feeds the homeless at night in Rome. On December 17, Pope Francis invited a group of homeless men to the Vatican for his birthday meal. He even washed feet and held a ceremony at Casal del Marmo jail, a prison for minors.
“He seems to be making a conscious effort to bring new members to the Catholic Church,” said junior Skylar Tisko.
In October, Pope Francis addressed frivolous spending by the Church and recommended that Church officials cut back on unnecessary spending and rather use it for a better cause. He has also defended atheists.
“Atheists should be seen as good people if they do good,” said Pope Francis after meeting with the atheist president of Uruguay.
Although some disagree with his openness, many have found his remarks refreshing.
“I love how he is bringing new changes to an older church,” said junior Brooke Ottaway.