The tragic Connecticut shooting that left 20 children and six adults dead generated many responses from all over the country.
One particular response that sparked debate was an alleged statement made by actor Morgan Freeman (which can be viewed with this link:
Freeman said he believes the cause of such a horrific event is the publicity one receives for causing such an incident. For example, Freeman mentions the Batman Shooter, James Holmes, and the Columbine shooters, Dylan Klebold and Eric Harris, all of whom are “household names,” but what nobody actually knows are the names of the victims who should be remembered the most.
Freeman also points to mental health as the root of the problem, while other celebrities like Alec Baldwin consider gun control the problem. Baldwin, who tweeted “One storm after another…. #GunControlNow,” is one of many who believe there should be stricter gun control laws.
Proponents of gun control laws ask for restrictions on people who purchase guns by checking their criminal records and psychiatric history, having more extensive background checks and requiring gun licenses.
On the other hand, America’s “Stand Your Ground” bills would allow private citizens to defend themselves by purchasing guns with only minor background checks, according to EBSCOhost Connection, an online database run by libraries, universities, and other research facilities.

The Columbine massacre, the Virginia Tech massacre, and the most recent Connecticut massacre are just some of the mass school shootings that have occurred in America. According to ABC, this year alone there have been 15 mass shootings. Each of the shooters allegedly responsible for these tragic events reportedly has some type of mental illness.
According to the Washington Post, 45 percent of America’s mentally ill are unable to receive proper care because of the high cost.
Such tragedies do cause a greater sense of community and unity throughout the country. On December 17th, people all across America sported green and white, the colors of Sandy Hook Elementary School where the shooting occurred, in support of the families affected. Churches throughout the country addressed the tragedy and school counselors listened to students’ questions and concerns.
In the metro Detroit area, when such tragedies have occurred in the past, students fueled different acts of solidarity, such as selling bracelets to spread awareness and remembrance and offering prayer services.
A sense of community and support is crucial in order to deal with and move on from tragedies. The Mercy community and many others from the metro Detroit area have come together to help support Newtown, Connecticut and the many families affected.