When trick-or-treating gets old

Every year the temptation of free candy motivates trick-or-treaters to suit up in their costumes and travel from house to house (Photo Credit: Bridgette Conniff).
On Halloween night, little kids scurry from house to house, receiving friendly smiles from their neighbors who fill their bags to the brim with candy. Suddenly, an older teenager approaches the neighbor’s door, immediately receiving a weird look from the neighbor, who skeptically hands the teenager a few pieces of candy.
Free candy, quite frankly, excites people of all ages. This free-candy craze of Halloween brings up a lingering question: how old is too old to go trick-or-treating?
Junior Chandler Pincheck stopped trick-or-treating when she was 14. Pincheck, however, comments that people should stop trick-or-treating whenever they want.
“I don’t think there’s an age limit on trick-or-treating,” said Pincheck. “As long as you’re comfortable and want to go, then you should go because it’s free candy.”
Freshman Livvy Hintz agrees with Pincheck.
“You’re never too old to trick-or-treat,” said Hintz, while holding a Caramel Apple Pop.
However, Hintz admits most people seem to stop trick-or-treating at a certain age.
“I’m not going this year,” said Hintz. “It seems like most people stop in eighth grade or the beginning of high school.”
Junior Olivia Collins admitted she thinks there is a certain age to stop trick-or-treating.
“I love candy, but… I stopped trick-or-treating two years ago,” said Collins. “People need to stop trick-or-treating by at least their late teens.”
Collins explained that although she doesn’t trick-or-treat anymore, she found an alternative way to have fun on Halloween.
“I’m going to a corn maze or a haunted house with some friends this year,” said Collins.
Whether you go trick-or-treating or to corn maze like Collins, there’s always a way to participate in the festivities on Halloween.