Freshman Brooklyn Rue has quite the assortment of interests. She has been to countless states and has also visited Mexico, The Bahamas, Grand Cayman, Paris, Mont Blanc, The Vatican, Rome, Florence, Aruba, and Switzerland. Along with her love of travel, she has discovered new passions of drawing and cooking.
Rue discovered her talent in drawing this year in her Drawing 1 class. She started drawing seriously this year. She had only taken a basic art class before. In Drawing 1 last semester, the class did portraits, and Rue really liked doing that. She sketched one of the sophomores and then that sophomore drew her.
“With a lot of practice and effort, I found that I can actually create something pretty that I’m proud of,” said Rue.
She also likes baking and is trying to learn how to cook better because she seems to burn most everything she makes. She made pies for the first time ever on one of our recent snow days with her mother.
Rue and her mother spend lots of time together, and enjoy going to plays, movies, and traveling. She even taught her mother some Spanish when she went back to college and had to take Spanish for the first time.
“I’m very close with my mom,” said Rue. “I’ve never understood the stereotype that teenagers hate their parents. I love my parents. I’m so grateful for my mom, and she’s a really great role model. She grew up in the ghettos of Detroit and really made her way out, and is such an inspiration. She’s always the one to relax me when I’m stressed. We have a really great relationship.”