With the tests, papers, and exams at Mercy it’s no wonder the school day can be such a struggle. Students are constantly up all hours of the night either finishing a paper or cramming for a test the next day. But in the midst of all this, Mercy girls especially need to remember to kick back and have some fun. Don’t be afraid to be a kid. It’s only high school right? And one of the best ways to do this is to create a Yolo Bucket List. It’s easy, it’s simple and more than anything fun. Below is a list of nine must-do Yolo List items. Enjoy!
1. Glue pennies head side up and watch as people try to pick them up. Entertaining right?
2. Walk into a crowded elevator and say, “I bet you’re all wondering why I gathered you here today.” The few irritated glares are worth it, promise.
3. Go shopping and speak with a made-up accent for the entire day. If someone asks where you’re from respond with “Narnia!”
4. Put vanilla pudding in a mayonnaise jar and walk around eating it in public. If people stare all the better! Better yet, put a blue Gatorade in a Windex bottle and walk around in public drinking it.
5. Dine out with a friend at a fancy restaurant. Just as the waiter brings you the menus, stage an argument until they kick you out. The more dramatic the better! You can even throw in a slap across the face for effect.
6. Go for a walk on a rainy day. When a stranger speaks to you, look at them strangely and say, “You can see me?” Flashback of The Sixth Sense?
7. Buy a shirt that just says “Life.” Wear it and hand out lemons as people pass you by. When life gives you lemons, you make lemonade.
8. Purposely spell words wrong on Microsoft word and add them to your friend’s computer. Record how long it takes them to figure it out.
9. Follow joggers around in your car with the “Lazy Song” blasting. If they stop running then you have done your job!
To all you Mercy girls overwhelmed with stress, try one of these and you you’re bound to feel much better!