With winter rushing forward, it’s important to remember to take care of your skin in the changing weather. This may seem a little daunting to some, as many skincare products are very expensive, with little quantity. However, with just a few household ingredients, anybody can make their own DIY facemask for under $5. With numerous benefits to the skin, it’s a very easy and fun way to pamper your skin in the dry and often times harsh winter weather.
First, mash a few raspberries into a bowl until they are smooth. Next, add a few drops of raw honey – anything that doesn’t have artificial additives will work perfectly. After that, add two tablespoons of non-flavored yogurt or heavy cream. Finally, add a handful of raw oats and mix thoroughly. Once your mixture is blended, apply it to your face with clean hands or a makeup brush.
The benefits of this mask can be seen almost immediately. Raspberries are packed with Vitamin C, which brighten and help gently cleanse the skin. Honey is a natural anti-biotic, and will help with acne-prone skin without drying it out. Yogurt or cream will help moisturize gently, and oats are a great way to exfoliate without damaging the skin.
With just a few simple, cheap and easy-to-find ingredients, you can create a wonderful way to keep your skin moisturized and looking its best even in the upcoming winter months.