The critically acclaimed prequel to HBO’s Sex and the City returns Friday, for its season two premiere. This show follows the life of teenager Carrie Bradshaw (AnnaSophia Robb) as she balances navigating through the complicated life of a high school student while simultaneously interning in Manhattan at Interview Magazine.
Based on Candace Bushnell’s novels The Carrie Diaries and Sex and the City, season two will follow 17-year-old Carrie during the summer of 1985 while she lives and works in New York City. However, the hot summer temperatures will eventually cool down and Carrie will return to Connecticut to start her senior year at Castlebury High School.
Viewers can expect to see the return of Robb’s usual supporting cast. Such actors include Austin Butler (Sebastian Kydd), Carrie’s dreamy on-and-off boyfriend whose relationship with Carrie ended in season one’s finale. Also, Carrie’s current ex-best friend Maggie (Katie Findlay), who betrayed her last season will return, along with friends Walt (Brendan Dooling) and Mouse (Ellen Wong).
The new season will also see the introduction of several new characters. The most significant addition is Samantha Jones (Lindsey Gort) who will be a fresh personality in Carrie’s life. Samantha, who plays a main role in Sex and the City, is a huge link between the prequel and the original show.
Junior Ashton Scott, an avid viewer of The Carrie Diaries and previously Sex and the City, thinks the prequel is as good as the original. She has high hopes for this upcoming season and hopes the focus will be on Carrie and Sebastian’s relationship. She highly recommends the show to anyone because she sees many parallels between Carrie and teens today.
“It’s a really great show and it’s very interesting and relates to teens,” said Scott.
Be sure to check out The Carrie Diaries and tune in on Fridays, its new night, on The CW Network at 8 p.m.