This year’s Golden Globe Award Ceremony was full of surprises as the best movies and television shows were both honored and snubbed. Some results were even more surprising in light of the recent release of Academy Award nominees.
One of the night’s big winners was Ben Affleck, who grabbed both the Best Director and Best Drama Picture awards for Argo. These wins were quite unexpected, especially considering that Affleck didn’t even make the list of Academy Awards Best Director nominees. Since the Golden Globe winner isn’t in the running to win the Oscar equivalent, the door is wide open for the next big award show. The prestigious award could just as easily go to the well-known Stephen Spielberg for Lincoln or to up-and-coming Benh Zeitlin for Beasts of the Southern Wild.
It seems likely that the winner for Best Actor in a Drama, Daniel Day-Lewis, and Best Actress in a Drama, Jessica Chastain, will both see a repeat victory in the upcoming Academy Awards. Not that any of the other contenders are out of the picture, but Lewis’s role as the titular character in the historical Lincoln and Chastain’s revolutionary role in the controversial Zero Dark Thirty were standouts before the Golden Globes and their victories appear even more certain considering their recent success.
Many people wait with bated breath for the February 24th airing of the Academy Awards to see if history will repeat itself and bring victories for those who left the Golden Globes with a trophy in hand, or if those who weren’t so lucky the first time will get a second chance at glory.