As summer draws closer, one thing concerning many teenagers is finding a summer job. The economic state is making it even more difficult than usual.
Since so many adults are out of work due to the poor economy, teens have to worry about competing with them as well as with college students who have more work experience than they do. As of March, the unemployment rate is at 9.7%.
Although senior Jane Huffman was eventually able to find a job after hunting for a long time, she remembers from last year how impossible it had been to find one.
“I probably put it about 30 applications to a bunch of different places, and no one ever called me back,” said Huffman.
Although it’s a difficult time for teens to find employment, there are still things they can do to increase the chances of finding some work over the summer. Here are some tips on how to better your chances of finding a summer job:
Start early. If you beat the crowds, then you are likely to be given more priority over other applicants. Even though it is already well into spring, keep this in mind for next year.
Find out which places are specifically looking to hire and go fill out an application. There are many places that allow you to fill out online applications as well.
If you are lacking in work experience, create a resume for yourself listing your extracurricular activities. This will show employers that you know how to work and that you are responsible.
If you do manage to get an interview, make sure you show up prepared and confident. Dress nicely, avoid chewing gum, and maybe even put on some makeup.