The days are getting longer. The sun is shining. The ice and snow are melting. Only scattered mounds of snow and ice remain. Spring is in the air! Spring is time of new beginnings and warmer weather.
The Tigers are in Lakeland, Florida, preparing for an exciting baseball season. These are the sure signs that Spring is on its way.
Winter sports at Mercy are wrapping up. The Basketball, Bowling, Figure Skating, Ice Hockey, and Skiing teams are closing out exciting winter seasons. Many Mercy students are looking forward to Spring sports try-outs. Try-outs for Lacrosse, Soccer, Softball, and Track & Field start 0n Monday, March 11th.
It is the season of Lent. As many students have forgone treats during the Lenten season, Easter is definitely something to look forward to.
“I gave sweets up [for Lent] and it’s killing me,” said senior Celeste White.
There are many different ways people reflect on Christ’s sacrifice during Lent. While some students give up their favorite treats, others give more time for exercise, prayer, reading, or service.
“I have been trying to exercise every weekday,” said senior Rachel Smart.
Easter is a time of reflection about faith and Christ while all enjoy a spring break from studying.
Spring Break starts in about three weeks and many students have plans for fun getaways to exciting locations.
“I’m going to Disney World with my family because I’ve never been there,” junior Morgan Young.
While some students are getting away for Spring Break, others just plan to stay in “the mitten” to relax and spend time with family.
Michigan is an interesting state for weather and Winter may not yet be done with us, but Spring is certainly on the way.