Moist air, blossoming flowers, and outdoor activities make spring so serene after a chilling winter. Like the recent warm weather, spring sports are rolling in. Pain can take the fun out of your favorite spring sports. That’s why it’s important to ease in slowly and not overdo it.
Tennis players usually experience soreness in their rotator cuff. This is due to constant shoulder movement. One can keep this muscle strong by doing shoulder-strengthening exercises three times a week.
Track and soccer players may experience pain in their iliotibial band (outside of the leg), shin and Achilles tendons. One can reduce soreness in these muscles and tendon by stretching against a wall for at least thirty seconds before and after running or whenever the pain comes. Follow these recommendations to prevent these common injuries.
Other important tips for any sports this season are to:
- Keep water nearby to avoid dehydration.
- Keep snacks in your car for the ride home.
- Do no over exert yourself; start with lighter workouts and work your way up.
- Work naps into your day so you’ll have plenty of energy.