Sophomore Cassie Roberts looks forward to playing for Mercy as her previous school Birmingham Seaholm did not have a team. Unfortunately, she will to wait until second semester (Photo Credit: Caitlin Somerville).
Sophomore Cassie Roberts, a member of the varsity ice hockey team, recently discovered that she will not be allowed to play in games until after the Martin Luther King Jr. holiday in 2015. As a transfer from Birmingham Seaholm, Roberts was unaware of the rules that the MHSAA has about new students participating in the school’s sports teams during their first semester. This rule was set primarily to discourage recruiting. So Roberts won’t be playing for points until second semester.
“My coach called me to ask if I would quit,” she said. “I said no because I still wanted to play for the team.”
Despite this setback, she plans to continue practicing, take part in team unities, and support her team on the bench at games. Having played for 10 years, she has seen a lot of hockey and is excited about the team.
“I assume this season will go well,” she said. “I want to play a game [though].”