The basketball twitter handle @MarlinHoops2015 keeps students updated with upcoming games and player insight (Photo Credit: Public Domain).
Don’t count out the 2014-2015 varsity basketball team. Although the squad lost seven seniors, the Marlins prepared all summer and fall in order to compete at the high level they did the previous year: the state Final Four.
“I feel that losing the seniors won’t necessarily affect the way our season will play out. Although it will be a big change, we have a new group of girls who are just as talented and ready to step up,” said senior and returning starter Taylor Jones.
The team is conditioning and plans to start try-outs in the upcoming week.
“Coming in to this upcoming season, we all know that we are both under-rated and overlooked. Throughout the summer, we’ve scrimmaged against other good teams to help build our chemistry,” said Jones.
The Marlins will face former state champions Marian twice this season, as well as perennial powerhouses Goodrich and Canton.
“We have to just finish conditioning and we are ready to see what this upcoming season will bring.”
Here’s a list of the first few home games for the 2014- 2015 season:
Friday, Dec. 5 v. Salem at 7 p.m.
Friday, Dec. 12 v. Goodrich at 7 p.m.
Monday, Dec. 22 v. Canton at 7 p.m.