Members of Mercy’s mock trial team gather to discuss different topics concerning their case. Photo by Rachael Salah
Working for months on a fictitious immigration case, the mock trial team consists of nine Mercy girls who hope to become attorneys. Through this team, they get the opportunity to work on “mock” cases, where they take and defend their side of the case.
The team is currently preparing for the Oakland Regional Competition on February 29. At this competition, Mercy’s team, along with about 30 other teams, all gather to present their case to real attorneys. They all have the same case and this year, it has to do with the hot topic of immigration.
“Our case is very complex and exciting,” said junior Philomena Anton. “It gives me insight into what my future could be like.”
The case deals with a girl named Quin Zion who is fighting for asylum because her home country, Freedonia, had a change in power. Quin is a part of the Spree religious group. Unfortunately the Knaves, the other religious group in her home country, won the new election. Quin is not currently living at home because Freedonia was paying for her education while she attends college in Michigan. She is only granted an education visa at the moment, not a full visa. Because of the change in government in her home country, her schooling will not be funded anymore and now she needs to return home. Quin is claiming she has a fear of future persecution if she returns home because the Knave government is out to get any Sprees. Therefore, Quin is trying to fight to stay in the U.S. and be granted asylum.
Five of the girls on the team are defending Quin and the other four are defending the government. They meet twice a week to discuss the rules and guidelines of court and to practice for the competition.
“Mock trial is a fun way to explore our possible futures and make connections with people who share a common goal in their life—to become an attorney,” Anton said.