FOF leaders Rochelle Chezick, Alissa Sweeney, and Claire Johnston sit together and share their favorite Bible verses, an activity that is common at FOF meetings. (Photo Credit: Brooklyn Rue)
Seniors Claire Johnston, Alissa Sweeney, and Rochelle Chezick can be found leading Faith on Fridays (FOF) meetings every Friday at 7:20 a.m. in the chapel.
The club has had approximately 12 meetings this semester, and these meetings have consisted of interpreting pictures and finding one’s own vision of God within oneself, journaling, singing, listening to contemporary Christian music, reading passages and verses from the Bible, and more.
This year, FOF participated for the first time ever in See You at the Pole, which is a nationwide, student-led event in which high schoolers gather around their school flag pole and pray for their school. Although participation was low with only four students attending, the leaders hope this event will rise in popularity in future years.
The leaders hope that the club’s general participation will increase, too.
“Our goal is to get a lot of people to come [to FOF],” said Sweeney.
Johnston agrees. “We want it to be hype. Like, ‘Yes! Let’s open our Bibles and pray!’”
In an effort to increase club activity and membership, the leaders of the club are always looking for ways to expand their horizons, and they have some creative, fun ideas for future meetings that they hope to pursue.
“We have some very out there ideas,” said Johnston. “At one point, we wanted to basically have our friends come, who were musically inclined, and have a worship. We also would like a [student-lead] reflective prayer or mediation.”
Sweeney added, “We want someone to come and bring a guitar and just sing songs.”
The leaders’ absolute priority, though, is to ensure that FOF is an open, safe environment for students to worship together.
“FOF is very accepting,” said Johnston. “You don’t have to even have faith to come. It’s what the verse means to you, whether or not you believe in it [word for word].”