Junior Jordyn Kreucher gives her speech as a returning FHS officer. (Photo credit: Emma Kruse)
At the most recent French Honor Society (FHS) meeting, three new officers and one returning officer were elected. Juniors Jordyn Kreucher, Allie Lapinski, Karina Lloyd, and sophomore Grace Denomme ran unopposed.
“As an officer, I was in charge of keeping all the members informed of events and points opportunities as well as setting up, running and taking down the different events we held,” said Kreucher. “Being an officer was a big responsibility, but seeing everything come together, it was worth it.
“I love the amazing events we pull together, and the extra work we put into making our activities great pays off,” she added.
Kreucher truly enjoys learning French and letting her knowledge grow, increasing her ability to read and understand French literature and vocabulary in class. Next year, she wants to use the honor society’s Schoology page more consistently and take advantage of having that as a tool of communication. She also plans to minor in French in college, and will study abroad in France at some point.
Lapinski is very enthusiastic about her role next year.
“I think what I love most about the French language is the culture that comes along with it,” said Lapinski. “French culture is centered around interesting food, music, and dance that is sometimes found in American culture. I think that’s why it’s been easy and for me to learn the French language so quickly.”
Lapinski appreciates the thought that goes behind each FHS meeting or event. “Madame and the officers worked so hard to make French Immersion Day perfect, which I think reflects on Mercy,” said Lapinski.
Lapinski wants to iincrease the variety of the French restaurant trips. FHS usually goes to the same restaurants, and Lapinski thinks it would be a good experience to try some new French food, and she also wants FHS to offer more cooking class field trips, an idea Lapinski suggested last year that resulted in a trip to Sur la Table that many students enjoyed.
Like Kreucher, Lapinski plans to study abroad in France and possibly minor in French as well.
Sophomore Grace Denomme will be the youngest addition to FHS next year.
“The thing I love most about the French language is the way it flows and how every word you say sounds like you’re reciting a poem,” said Denomme.