Allia McDowell
Current articles and information, along with the club's mission statement, are posted on the Pro-life club board. Stay updated on the club's events and current events regarding pro-life issues by stopping by the board, located across from the art room.
Pro-life Week, 2013. Ms. Claudia Taniguchi’s class. Then-freshman Christina Schira sits attentively as she listens to her teacher speak passionately on the issue of abortion. Drawn by the fervor of the lecture, Schira is inspired to join Mercy’s Pro-life club. Three years and many more enthralling discussions later, Schira, now a senior, has stepped up to be a Pro-Life Club co-leader. Starting as an indifferent freshman, to taking a leadership role in the club, Schira has grown more and more involved in the fight against abortion.
Next week, April 18 through 22, the club will be hosting its annual Pro-life Week. Schira shared her excitement about the opportunities this week offers.
“I am thrilled for those girls who might now be in the same position that I was in my freshman year who will be exposed to the mission of the Pro-life club,” she said. “I can’t wait for them to realize why it is so important to support the lives of the unborn, life in general, and more relevantly, to a school of all girls.”
The Pro-life club has planned many activities to involve the whole school in getting active in this debate. One activity, which many of the club leaders have specifically expressed enthusiasm about, is the opinions box that will be in the alcove all week. Girls who are pro-life can write why they are pro-life on flowers to hang in the alcove. Girls who are pro-choice can explain why they are pro-choice and submit their reasoning through a note. At Pro-life club’s meetings on Wednesday, these and other arguments will be addressed through a discussion open to all. The club leaders are optimistic about the opportunity to have an in-depth discussion and hear the voices of any willing Mercy girls.
“I think it is really important that all the girls at Mercy have the opportunity to voice their opinions,” said senior co-leader Hannah Cohen. “We want to hear what everyone has to say, not just the people that agree with us. I hope that we will have a lot of girls participate in this activity so that we can raise awareness about this issue throughout the school.”
The theme for pro-life week is “Pro-life is Pro-woman.”
“I am excited for us to get the message out to the girls about not only pro-life, but about us being pro-women, too,” said senior co-leader Cari Padula. “I feel like there are many misconceptions when it comes to our club and this week will really demonstrate our dedication and love for this issue when it comes to not only the baby, but also the woman.”
The leaders have spent many long hours planning a number of activities to get Mercy girls involved. To see how you can participate in Pro-Life week, check the hallways for itinerary flyers, and stay attentive to the morning announcements. Whether you are pro-life, pro-choice, or undecided like Schira was as a freshman, this week is sure to provide you with everything you need to know to form an educated opinion on this issue.