Restaurant trips to places like La Cuisine in Detroit allow students in Mercy’s French classes to experience the cuisine and culture they learn about in their textbooks. (Photo credit: Alana Sullivan)
Seventy-five students in Mercy’s French classes traveled to the restaurant La Cuisine in Detroit last week. The trip, which coincides with National French Week each year, is one of two French restaurant trips organized by French Honor Society (FHS) leaders and moderators. The other is in the spring and coincides with Mardi Gras celebrations. One of the most anticipated events of the year for French students, the La Cuisine trip was successful, likely due to the large amount of dedicated planning by the FHS leaders and French teacher and FHS moderator Mrs. Joyce Campbell.
“For French restaurants, [planning] starts far in advance,” said senior FHS leader Taylor Lombard. “We have to coordinate with the restaurant, see if they will accept our group size, and figure out the logistics of the when, who can go, how many buses we need, and what adults will be coming.”
Fellow senior FHS leader Carmela Sleva believed it was well worth all the effort.
“I think everyone has a wonderful time,” said Sleva. “It’s a great way to experience French culture right in our hometown of Detroit, and although it’s a lot of work, it is well worth it in the end.”
Students who attended the trip agreed.
“It’s fun to experience French culture firsthand,” said senior FHS member Julia Kirby, who has attended five other French restaurant trips. “And, of course, the food is always amazing. I’ll definitely miss the restaurant trips [when I graduate].”
The menu, which consisted of dishes like ratatouille encroute, salade de Lyon, poisson Meunière, and chocolate mousse, was designed for the school trip by La Cuisine Chef and owner Paul Grosz.
First-time attendee freshman Hannah Kos liked the novelty of the experience and, of course, the cuisine.
“I really liked it all,” said Kos. “It was a way different experience compared to eating at an American restaurant that says things are French. It was genuine.”