Senior Taylor Babcock holds her Kairos cross as a reminder of her meaningful experience attending and leading the Kairos retreat (Photo Credit: Emma Mallon).
The Greek word “Kairos” refers to the supreme moment, an indeterminate time in which everything happens. Mercy’s senior retreat is modeled on this concept of Kairos. After attending Kairos together in November, seniors Maddy Flyte and Taylor Babcock had the opportunity to lead the February Kairos retreat together.
“I have been healed. So, I was a part of the process of healing for the other girls,” said Flyte.
After all the preparation for the Kairos retreat, the leaders were excited to see God in action and honored to contribute to the spiritual lives of the students attending the retreat.
Both Flyte and Babcock found the experience very rewarding and recommended that each student take the opportunity to attend Kairos.
One does not need to be Catholic to attend Kairos. The experience is beneficial to all Christians and even non-Christians as it strengthens one’s relationship with the Higher Power.
Many students feel pressured to have a life-changing experience on Kairos, but Babcock says that not everyone encounters this.
“I realized that everyone was going to be different and not to stress if nothing happened at a specific time,” said Babcock. “Just let go, let God.”
Student leaders urged Kairos retreatants to open their minds and hearts to God’s plan so that their time at Kairos would be all the more valuable.
“Be open to Him at all times,” said Babcock. “Live in the present so you can hear when He’s calling you.”
The leaders do not want anyone to regret not sharing of themselves during their Kairos experience, and they hoped that students would feel comfortable opening up to God and their Kairos sisters.
Flyte and Babcock, in addition to the other student leaders, found many rewards in both participating in and leading the Kairos retreat. Through their own will, they were enlightened by Christ.
“I went [on Kairos]. . .seeking answers from God to direct me in the right path, and I believe that…I really found peace,” said Flyte. “I connected with God on a whole new level and found happiness within myself and my Kairos sisters.”